Numonix Call Recording Blog

Call Recorder Versatility Test

Written by Numonix | Jun 8, 2018 6:14:19 PM

Call Recorder Versatility Test – What’s your Score?

When it comes to call recording, there are features and functionality abound, but you can only take full advantage of all of them if you have the power of versatility and customizability. Many call recording solutions do not offer customization capabilities to make the recorder work precisely how you want it to.

Let’s face it, with a fully-functioning call recorder customized to your exact specifications, you have the power to pinpoint agent performance gaps, identify potential compliance infractions, rescue at-risk customers, uncover workflow problems, and so much more. However, with a rigid call recorder, you may only be scratching the surface with regard to your call recording potential.

When assessing the versatility level of your call recording software, there are several variables/areas to consider. But first, let’s establish a grading system so you can measure the versatility of your call recording system. Using a scale of 1-10, one means you have virtually no capabilities in the particular area, while 10 means you meet that criteria perfectly.

Data Acquisition:

Versatility in terms of the types of data that can be culled, combined and mined can lead to a new level of intelligence gathering, and subsequently, dramatic enhancements in service and sales performance. Many contact centers today utilize a combination of landlines, VoiP, chat and even Skype for Business when communicating with customers. If your recording software was only capable of capturing a fraction of these modalities, you would only see a sliver of the full picture regarding customer service performance, agent workflow optimization or sales conversion success.

Therefore, imagine the value in recording landline, VoIP, mobile, Skype, and even Office 365 all on the same system.

Rate your recorder on its “data acquisition” versatility → [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]


System Interoperability:

Suppose you run a large, multi-site contact center all using Avaya VoIP. Now, suppose your organization just acquired another firm and it has contact centers running Cisco TDM. Without the flexibility to centrally capture, mine and replay interactions across both telephony environments, you are left without a unified measure of your service performance, your compliance adherence, order verification, and so on. To say the least, this disconnect would lead to significant redundancies and manual workarounds in order to pull interactions from the varying PBX centers into a single view for monitoring and reporting purposes. And redundancies and workarounds equate to allocating time, staff and money you don’t have or want to part with.

Rate your recorder on its “system interoperability” versatility → [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]


When it comes to your customer interactions, your agents are trying to sell your products/ services and support your customers’ needs - two critical functions in your business. Therefore, the performance and reporting data you yield from the interactions can provide a wealth of intelligence into areas such as where to invest more resources, where to take corrective action, etc. What is needed in order to garner the most telling insight is a solution that enables you to...

  • Easily utilize canned reports
  • Schedule auto-generated reports for certain times of the day/week
  • Push the most important content right to your desktop

With the right level of versatility to support your very specific reporting needs, you can gain valuable business intelligence into the operation and performance of your organization, make the most informed decisions based on accurate, easy-to-discern information; improve agent performance using the most accurate and telling metrics, and identify business trends and proactively take advance of opportunities.

Rate your recorder on its “reporting” versatility → [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]



Your interaction recordings can not only yield significant intelligence, but they can also provide a safety net for disputes and/or compliance issues. Therefore, you want to be able to store your

recordings wherever you need them, for easy and ready access. This could be your corporate

NAS or SAN or online through Azure, Amazon Storage Services, etc. The point is, as a company, you likely store your critical files and data someplace, and you want the ability to also keep your important interaction recordings in the very same location, whatever storage solution/environment you are using.


Rate your recorder on its “storage” versatility → [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] 


Data Privacy/Security:

Your interaction recordings can contain all sorts of sensitive information, including account numbers, social security numbers, passcodes and so on. You do not want every agent or supervisor to be able to access every recording. This would be madness and very difficult to manage in terms of potential data breaches or misuse of personal information.

What makes the most sense here is extreme granularity and simplicity in how you allocate access to your recordings. You may want to restrict staff based on the team they work for, or their quality scores, or based on the time of day, customer ID, purchase amount, whether a credit card number was captured and so on. The point here is you need versatility in terms of how you appropriate access to your precious recordings. The more variables the better in terms of permission levels.

Rate your recorder on its “system interoperability” versatility → [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]



After counting up all of your scores, you should come up with a number between 5 and 50. Now, see where your score falls below:

  • 5-25: Very poor versatility. You have little if any customizability of your recorder.
  • 26-50: Minimal versatility. Your recorder does offer minimal customization capabilities but you lack the full versatility to tailor the solution to your precise needs.
  • 51-75: Average versatility. You currently have the ability to tailor some aspects of your recorder to make it your own.
  • 76-100: Full versatility. You have dozens of customization options to take full control of your recorder in terms of what you capture, how you capture it, where you store it, who can access it and how you report on it.